Privacy Policy

Our Contact Details

Name: Respected
Address: Suite 3, 1, Sunburst House, Elliott Rd, Bournemouth BH11 8JP

Data controller: Respected

At Respected we respect your privacy and are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use the information you provide and to meeting our data protection obligations. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your personal information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This policy, together with our Cookie Policy, sets out the basis on which Respected collects or processes any of your personal information. They should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use of our website.

Personal information is any information that can identify you e.g. name, date of birth, email address, credit/debit card details.

This policy applies to all users of Respected services and products, all donors and supporters of Respected and anyone else who contacts or otherwise submits information to Respected through the website or in other ways. For the purposes of this document:

“Respected services” are educational services to schools/other organisations provided by Respected charity e.g. the Respected Educational Programme, provision of a Respected Team facilitator, Lesson Planning pages and Facilitating Tips videos etc.

“Respected products” are other products provided by Respected e.g. blogs and podcasts, promotional merchandise etc.

“Donor” is a person who is making or has made a financial donation to the charity.

“Supporter” is a person who is supporting the charity in other ways e.g. signed up for regular newsletter, taking an active interest, helping to informally publicise, supporting/buying tickets for fundraising events, downloading blogs/podcasts etc.

We recognise that some people may be both at times during their relationship with the charity.

“Service User” is a person who is using/accessing any services that Respected provides e.g. school teacher considering using or using the Respected Programme or arranging for Respected team to facilitate the Programme, other interested parties viewing the Respected Programme.

1. Data Protection principles

Respected acts as the data controller of the information you provide or that is collected by us. This means that we are responsible for deciding how your personal information is used and ensuring that it is used in compliance with all applicable data protection law and principles (alongside other parties, where applicable), which means that your personal information will be:

  • – Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way
  • – Collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes stated in this policy and will not be used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes
  • – Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for those purposes
  • – Accurate and, where necessary, up to date
  • – Kept for no longer than those purposes
  • – Processed securely

2. Collection of Personal Information

You have choices about the personal information we collect. When you are asked to provide personal information, you may decline, but if you choose not to provide personal information that is necessary for us to provide services to you, you may not be able to use our services/products.

We provide further information below on the types of personal information we obtain and how we use it.

2.1 Personal Information you give to us:

We will collect and process the personal information from you that you give to us by filling in forms (both on and off our website) or by corresponding with us by phone, email, letter, verbally or otherwise. It includes information you provide when you register to use our website or our software products, subscribe to our service, sign up for membership, search for a product, participate in discussion boards or other social media functions on or via the website or software products, download blogs/podcasts, make a donation or buy tickets through the website, enter a competition, promotion or survey, submit a query, and when you report a problem with the website or our software. All personal information is kept private and will only be shared with third parties under the circumstance outlined in sections 3.1 and 4 below.

The personal information you give us may include the types described below. The lawful basis (under the UK General Data Protection Regulation) for processing this information is written underneath:

Service Users:
Your name
Your contact email address
Your contact phone number
Your Respected membership account login details (username and password) Please note: we are not able to access user passwords
Name and postcode of school or organisation for which you work
Office phone number and email address of school or organisation for which you work
School type
Membership and subscription payment history
Lawful basis for processing: we have a legitimate interest in order to provide our services.

Your name
Your email address
Your phone number or other contact details
Lawful basis for processing: you have given us your consent.

Your nameYour email addressBank account details (where you have provided these for us to set up a regular bank transfer on your behalf)
Postal address (where provided to collect Gift Aid)
Donation history
Lawful basis for processing: we have a legal requirement under tax law to keep your donation history and, if collecting Gift Aid on donations, your bank account details and contact details and postal address. You may also have given us consent to keep your contact details.

2.2 Information we receive from other sources:

We work with giving platform Peoples Fundraising, ticketing platform Bookwhen and payment processors Stripe and Zettle who process online donations, ticket sales and payments on our behalf. We will receive certain information from the giving platform/ticketing platform/payment processor to allow us to match you to your donation(s)/transaction(s) and details of Gift Aid collected on your donation or as required, to resolve any technical issues. We use the email marketing platform Mailchimp (see section 3.1) to store information on you when you sign up for our newsletter or regular updates through the website or in other ways.

Lawful basis for processing: we have a legitimate interest in order to provide our services. You give us consent by signing up to the newsletter/regular updates.


2.3 Cookies

See separate Cookies Policy

3. How Respected uses your Personal Information

We will use the contact details you give us to contact you via phone, email, social media and post (or by whichever means to which you have consented) so that we can send you information about our charity and the education programme it provides;

for service users: to communicate with you regarding your school/organisation’s account and use of the Respected Programme, any updates to the system, arrange/manage booking the Respected team etc;

for donors/supporters: to update you on our activities, events, meetings and funding needs and to thank you for your support. For those who have consented to gift aid, we will use these details to collect gift aid on your donations.

We may also analyse the data we collect so that we can administer, support, improve and develop our organisation. We may ask you for information when you report a problem with the website in order to verify your identity. In particular, we may use your information to contact you about important changes or developments to the website or our charity. Further, where you have consented by any means, we might also use your information to let you know about other services/organisations which may be of interest to you and we may contact you by post or telephone, as well as by email.

3.1 Sharing your Personal Information

If you sign up for our newsletter or for regular updates your contact details and any other relevant information you consent to will be shared with the email marketing platform Mailchimp in order to provide you with regular and appropriate updates, fundraising campaigns etc and encourage you to donate/support us in other ways.

If you take out paid membership or buy tickets through our website we will use third parties such as Bookwhen to organise ticket sales and Stripe to process payments.We also use Zettle to process some card payments and donations at fundraising events etc. These payment processors will receive certain personal information (for example, your name, address and card details) to allow them to process your payment. We do not store your payment details but these payment processors will provide us with information to allow us to match you to your transaction (which is necessary for our internal accounting, administrative and record keeping purposes). We may also share information with these payment processors, as required, to resolve any technical issues.

If you make a donation through the website, we use a third-party platform such as Peoples Fundraising to process this. We receive certain information about the transaction, such as your name, email and postal address, date of donation, the amount you have donated, payment type and gift aid collected on the donation.

All of these third parties will also be a data controller of the personal information that you supply to them. They all have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies which are available from their websites. Details of their data protection and privacy policies can be found here:

Stripe –
Zettle –
Bookwhen – /
People’s Fundraising –
Mailchimp –

We use the services of preWeb Design and 2Able to build, develop and host our website in order to provide all services and functions of our website. They will have access to some of your personal information in order to carry out their services. Their privacy policies can be found at and

Your personal information is never sold to third parties.

4. How Respected keeps your personal information safe

We take the security of your personal information very seriously. We have internal policies and controls in place to ensure your personal information is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed and is not accessed except by those in the performance of their duties. We make sure that confidential material is labelled as such, that any paper copies are locked away and that electronic files are password protected and encrypted where necessary.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to us. Any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your personal information, we will use appropriate security measures to try and prevent unauthorised access.

Any personal information we have on you will only be held as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it has been collected. If supporters withdraw consent at any time, we agree to erase your contact details. You can do this by emailing us at For donors, for legal reasons, we will need to keep details of donation history, bank account details and contact details for 6 years after the year end following the last donation. For service users we will keep your contact details for up to 5 years from the expiry date of your registration and then destroy it. For supporters buying tickets for events who do not consent to opt into our supporter data base, their personal information will automatically be deleted from Bookwhen 28 days from their last activity on the platform.

We may transfer some of your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the purposes of data cloud backup only, and by using Respected’s products/services including its website, you consent to any such transfer. If we transfer or store your personal data outside the EEA in this way, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected, as outlined in this privacy policy and in line with the Data Protection Laws. Personal Data held outside of the EEA will be stored with Mailchimp or Google. Both Mailchimp’s and Google’s agreements are certified with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, and therefore both comply with GDPR requirements.

We will only share personal information about you with another organisation if we:

  • – have a safeguarding concern; or
  • – are required to by government bodies or law enforcement agencies; or
  • – engage a supplier to process data on our behalf; or
  • – have obtained your prior permission

5. What rights do you have?

Under data protection law, you have the right to:

  • – ask us for copies of your personal information;
  • – ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate or ask us to complete information you think is incomplete;
  • – ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances (this is not possible if we have a legal obligation to keep your personal information);
  • – ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances;
  • – object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances; and
  • – ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances (this may not be possible if we have a legitimate interest to process the information).

If you would like to exercise any of these rights please contact us on You are not required to pay a charge for exercising your rights. We will respond to all such requests within 28 days. Please note that:

  • – we will not be able to provide relevant information about the charity to you if we do not have your contact details and other relevant details
  • – we will not be able to provide a service or product if we do not have your contact details and other relevant details
  • – even after you stop using our services, we may have a statutory duty to retain some types of data for specific periods of time so can’t delete everything immediately (see above).

If you have a complaint about how we have kept your information secure, or how we have responded to a request to exercise your rights as above, you can refer us to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) –

Changes to this Privacy Policy and Further Information

We may revise this policy from time to time. Any significant changes to this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on the website and, where appropriate, through email notification. By continuing to access or use our services or support/donate to us after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

In the UK, general information on protection of Personal Information, including your rights and freedoms under the General Data Protection Regulation, is available via the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). Their website address is